7 steps to personal mastery

Personal mastery may sound like something only achieved by Jedi or the highly-trained elite, but it is something we all WANT and it is not out of reach.

“… the height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Personal mastery is living in a state where you are guided by principles such as purpose, vision and values. You truly know yourself – your authentic self – and aren’t afraid to let it shine. You intimately know your own strengths, motivators, stressors, core needs and energy. Life is viewed differently and, as a result, you are open to the numerous positive opportunities presented each day.

Personal mastery is to be successful in every aspect of life. It is where you are energised and motivated towards reaching your goals. You operate with an open mind, reacting positively to the world around you.

With personal mastery, you can Have Be Do it all!

According to Obi-Wan Kenobi – “Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.” So, use the Force you have within!

How do you achieve personal mastery?

Through life coaching, you have the tools and insights to quickly and effectively smash through your success blockers, create good habits, boost your performance, step out of your comfort zone and foster exceptional results in your career and personal life. Your coach is your guide to whom you are temporarily accountable and challenges your everyday performance for the better. With your coach by your side, you strive to reach the pinnacle of success. Through personal mastery, you become the best version of yourself.

“Get out of your own way to be who you wish, rather than wishing who you might be.” – Francinne O’Rourke

What does a life coach do?

When you are with your coach, you are in a safe space where you can ‘be’. Your coach will work with you on strategies for self-acceptance, overcoming fear and building resilience. They offer unique insights and a different perspective to guide you towards your goals and continued personal growth. With your coach, you have the time and space to take stock of where your life is headed and, as a result, plan to successfully move your life in the right direction. Onwards and upwards to complete personal mastery!

Transform from the person you are, to the person you need to be.

effective coaching gives you clarity and momentum for mindset change, as well as space to examine where you sit between your vision and reality. This is where you take the steps to move from the person you are to the person you need to be to achieve your goals. 

Let’s look at an example of how changing your mindset propels you towards a goal.

You want to be fit and healthy (who doesn’t?!). Hence, your goal for the arrival of summer is to look and feel amazing for all those long afternoons at the beach. To become that person you WANT to be, who do you NEED to be? Move away from being the person buying takeaway three nights a week, making excuses for not exercising and not getting enough quality rest to function at full capacity. Instead, become the person who has a healthy handle on self-worth, has respect for their body and makes the right choices. Be the person who eats well, finds time to exercise and is disciplined enough to shut off the lights at a reasonable hour.

Once you are that person, you will be on the path to your goal-achieving your rocking summer body! Similarly, for success in every aspect of your life; become the person you need to be and results will follow. 

If you have been doing it your way but failing to get results, will-power and sheer force can only get you so far. It may be time to get outside help.

What are the advantages of coaching?

A coach is trained to bring out the best in you. They have the knowledge, insights and tools on board to quickly and seamlessly guide your personal growth and transform your life.

Life coaching offers you the following advantages:

  • Fast-tracked results
  • Time and tools to map your life and create a path forward
  • Guidance to determine and then smash your success blockers
  • Accountability
  • Skills to turn life’s challenges and changes into opportunities
  • Help in identifying internal and external roadblocks and how to get rid of them
  • Insights to gain clarity about what you really want in life and become serious about achieving it
  • Helping you create momentum for faster and easier goal achievement

With the guidance of a life coach, you become crystal clear on your goals and priorities. You are better able to leverage your strengths and become pulled towards your goals. No longer will you suffer exhaustion from constantly pushing and flogging yourself for your perceived weaknesses. 

If you’re ready for massive personal growth and would like to work with me through individual coaching, book in for a Free Laser Focus Coaching Session to discuss what’s possible for you.

7 Steps to Personal Mastery



There are seven core components of personal mastery. Each is a vital stage in the process towards becoming the best version of yourself, therefore harnessing your ability to Have Be Do it all.

Let’s look at each of these, one by one.


Few people have a real sense of personal vision; it is often nebulous (like a cloud) in the back of their mind. A personal vision is powerful and provides you with the energy, focus, clarity and motivation to change. It’s like a point on the horizon to guide you and keep you on track, giving you a purpose-driven life. Without it, you may wander around aimlessly, unfocused, attracted by the next ‘shiny coin’. The days turn into weeks and years with minimal fulfilling achievement.

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” ? Brian Tracy


Purpose fuels your passion, it gives you energy and keeps you going when times are tough. You want to find meaning in life because you want to make a difference.  Being clear on your unique talents, gifts, strengths and ‘why’ you do what you do pulls you forward in life and ignites the Law of Attraction.


Realise your personal purpose and vision and live your values through uncovering, discovering and discarding limiting beliefs. Say goodbye to your old rule book for life that has been blocking you from moving forward. Be clear on values you consciously choose to hold (which you can change if they no longer fit). Redesigning the rules around how you achieve your goals is paramount to a fulfilling life lived with integrity and authenticity.


When your vision, purpose, values and behaviours are congruent with each other and in alignment, life just flows and you are energised, motivated – ON FIRE.

If you are out of alignment, you will find yourself pursuing courses of action that create inner conflict. This often works against your potential or strengths, therefore leading you to throw more of yourself in any situation. You may develop a fear of failure and adopt behaviours that do not serve you. Overwhelm sets in as the minutiae of life takes over and your ’holics’ may come out to play (workaholic, stressaholic, chocoholic, Netflixaholic etc…)


Perception is your reality, so learning to perceive yourself accurately is vital to mastering yourself. We all have our own ‘map of the world’, the frames of reference we use and our ‘lens’ through which we see other people, events and situations. Our way of seeing impacts our way of being. This links to personal awareness, and as a result, it is your self-identity and self-concept that is the source of your self-esteem.

“Is how I see myself and what I stand for the same as others see me?” – Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth Discipline Field


Truly knowing yourself – what makes you tick, your wants, drives, needs, desires, preferences, energy givers and energy stealers – is a very powerful tool in your personal mastery bag of tricks. Self-awareness is the ability to be an observer of self, without judgment. What are you really like; what are your patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

The things we’re not aware of often control us. So, take stock and discover which buttons are being pressed when interacting with others and the resulting patterns that drive you.

With this awareness and ensuing emotional intelligence, you can leverage your strengths. Take the opportunity to develop good habits that will positively shape your thoughts, actions and approach to challenging situations.


Finally, there is a transformation. This is the creative capacity we all have to re-shape, re-new or re-invent ourselves to be more in harmony with our personal vision, values and purpose.

You have created your current reality, the good news is you also have the power to recreate it. Your thoughts, actions and beliefs now support this ‘season’ of your life and the renewed goals moving you forward in your personal growth journey.

Transformation happens when you consciously develop the tools and self-awareness to support you in bridging the unavoidable gaps between your vision and present reality.

If you’re ready for massive personal growth and would like to work with me through individual coaching, book in for a Free Laser Focus Coaching Session to discuss what’s possible for you.

As Master Yoda says… “Do or do not, there is no try”

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