
Why I don’t set New Years Resolutions
Why I don’t set New Years Resolutions

How are you going with your New Year's resolutions? Have they already been kicked to the curb?If so that is OK you are not alone 92% of the population do exactly that around this time of year......Often we end up sabotaging our efforts as we have come up with a fixed...

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Reconnecting to your intuition
Reconnecting to your intuition

It's been called the "highest form of intelligence” and “the path to true happiness"… We all have it but it can be buried under busy, stress, fear and rational thinking.So, what is intuition? Intuition is your internal GPS, your compass that guides you, often known as...

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Can’t everyone do that?
Can’t everyone do that?

Can't everyone do that? Next week I will be attending my child's school quiz night - the theme High School... Two things are going on in my brain. Firstly, the quiz part... what I lack in style I make up for in enthusiasm and confidence... Just take my answers with a...

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