Life Check-in

The quick and powerful tool that provides a snapshot of your life so that you can take back control in just 5 minutes


Your results will be emailed to you immediately at the end of the assessment.

Career and Business


How is your career or business going? We spend a lot of time working so how is it for you? Does it excite you? Have you a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve? If you are not working, are you happy that you know what it is you want to do and are taking steps to achieve this? Your work-life balance and lifestyle, Your growth plans for your business. Are you successful but struggle to find meaning?

Are you an:

8+ -  Would you do your job without being paid for it

3 or less – You feel physically sick before you go to work each morning


How satisfied are you with how your career or business is progressing?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied




This is not about how much you have but rather how you relate to money... your Money Mindset. There are some millionaires who worry themselves sick about money and so might score very low here and others who have just enough to get by but as it is not a core driver are simply satisfied to go with the flow.

Do you have savings or are you living pay-cheque to pay-cheque? Are you working toward your next holiday or the next big thing... long-term financial stability... are mortgage payments being met? Whilst we often want more and partners wish to contribute – are you OK financially?

Are you an:

8+ - You are totally at ease with where you are at with money

3 or less - You are so worried about money that it is creating huge stress and limiting you in all your actions


How comfortable are you currently with your finances?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied




We all take our health for granted until it starts going wrong. How is your health? Do you look after yourself? Are you eating well? Do you get regular exercise? How are your sleep, weight, daily vitality and, stress-levels?

Are you dealing with any long-term or chronic illnesses? (this may not lead to a low score if you are managing well)

Are you an:

8+ - Jumping out of bed every day, full of vitallity with a body that is strong, supple and supports you in all your activities 

4 or less - Drained... stressed... not looking after yourself... perhaps carrying too much weight or not really managing your chronic illness


How happy are you with your current state of health,

vibrancy and energy levels?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied




Self-care is not just pampering it is your opportunity to fuel your resilience, creativity, humour and connectedness ‘banks’.

Is there any ‘me-time’, down-time or are you always 'on'?  Are you making time for hobbies or creativity? Getting to bed on time? Meditating?

Are you an:

8+ - Make plenty of time to look after yourself, have down time and recharge your banks so that you are running at your best

4 or less - There is no time for you... perhaps you feel guilty if you take a moment for you... or spend money on yourself


How happy are you with the amount of time and energy

dedicated to self-care?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Friends and Family


Family life is very important and when it is not running well it creates tension and can affect every area of your life. In this question reflect on:

Frequency of interaction with those people – is it not enough, just right, too much?

Quality of relationships with those people – have the conversations that need to be had, been had? Are there tensions, things left unsaid or niggling problems that have been left to fester?

Supportiveness of those relationships – are they supporting you in your ultimate goals and dreams, emotionally, physically, spiritually? Or are you in need of more support and nurturing?

Growth and progress of those relationships – are you growing and learning together or is there a mismatch in your goals and thoughts, leading to stagnation?

Long-term future of those relationships – can you see a positive future or on the downhill slide now?

Are you an:

8+ -  You have the perfect amount of time and interaction with your friends and family and enjoy a really great support network

4 or less -  There are possibly conversations not being had...or you are hanging on to toxic friendships... or simply current circumstances are limiting your connection


How satisfied are you with your relationships?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Intimate Relationship


Love and romance with your loved one – quality time, quality conversations, experiencing the emotional and physical connections that you need... meeting your love language fully.

If you don’t currently have a partner how are you showing yourself love and consideration?

Are you a:

8+ - Enjoying an amazingly connected relationship

4 or less - There is a disconnect... it is  an area causing you unhappiness... you are possibly spending alot of time thinking about or working on 'problems'


How satisfied do you feel with your connection and

communications right now?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Growth and Learning


People who are successful (by their definition of success) invest in and commit themselves to continual learning and improvement. Do you regularly read to learn and grow?  Are you open to improving and stretching yourself?

Remember this is about your satisfaction level with where you are at – NOT about what you are actually doing.

Are you an:

8+ – Enjoying a growth mindset – eating problems for breakfast, stretching yourself and seeing stumbling blocks as merely stepping stones to success 

4 or less - Feeling stuck/limited in what you can do?  (it happens to us all!)


How satisfied do you feel right now with your growth?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Spiritual and Emotional


These are often the least considered areas along with self-care BUT the most important for longevity, fulfilment, connection and being a positive influence on your friends and family. Often the focus is on doing... work/ tasks for friends and family rather than being... present... enjoying the people, tasks and the moment.  The result can be resentment, depression, emotional burnout and feeling unfulfilled with life… Thinking... 'Is this it?'

Are you reactive or do you respond? Are you able to get past old blockages and eliminate behaviours that no longer serve you? Is something missing... for you?

Are you an:

8+ - Experiencing happiness, love, connection or whatever it is that brings YOU your sense of, 'this is who I really am', contentment and serenity with your place in the world.

4 or less - Perhaps feeling resentful, lost, hurting, overwhelmed and hitting out at those around you (it often comes out sideways no matter the 'mask' you wear to hide it).


How satisfied are you that you are you dealing with your STUFF?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Fun and Recreation

Downtime is important for rejuvenating your mind, body and soul.   Are you actually enjoying your free time or are you simply setting up activities for others...simply ticking off your 'To-Do list' and feeling obligated?

Time – how much time do you spend on fun and recreation? Is there a good balance or not enough?

Frequency – how often do you make time for fun and recreation?

Adventure or connection – are you getting a good dose of these if you want them?

Are you an:

8+ -  Spending the perfect amount of time doing fun activities for you that are recharging the batteries

4 or less - Not finding the time to spend on activities OR you are busy organising for others OR perhaps you are struggling with current restrictions


Are you doing quality activities that are really satisfying for you?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied


Physical Environment

Our outer environment can affect our inner world. Are you being surrounded by your perfect environment – whether it is beautiful and sophisticated, it is a natural environment,  etc... Is it comfortable and you feel serene in your home or office or are you surrounded by clutter? Is there enough fresh air and natural light?

Are you an:

8+ - Your home or office is your perfect environment - you feel relax, comfortable with plenty of natural light and your house has as many objects and papers lying around as you are happy with

4 or Less - Your environment is cluttered and /or uncomfortable for you - there are piles that never seem to go down...  you can't 'get to' stuff and is possibly a cause of ongoing tension 


How satisfied are you with your home & workspace?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Where would you like it to be?

Dissatisfied Satisfied

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